Title: Can't Go Through It Again Pairing: Puck/Kurt Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: None that I can think of Summary: written for the glee_angst_meme for the prompt: Puck gets hurt after the school finds out that he dating KurtStay down and they’ll eventually grow tired of it and leave. At least, that was the plan once Puck realized that there was no way he could take on
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Title: Comfort Pairing,Character(s): Kurt/Puck, Rating: G Spoilers: There are none Summary: Kurt is always there for Puck. A/N: thank you to riviyan_questa for the beta, it is much appreciated
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Title: Can't Sleep Pairing,Character(s): Kurt/Puck, Rating: G Spoilers: There are none Summary: Puck can't sleep knowing he's hurt Kurt A/N: thank you to riviyan_questa for the beta, it is much appreciated
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